Dartle Documentation

Dartle Overview

The basic way to use Dartle is by writing a dartle.dart script which drives the build.

When using Dartle as a library, you’ll also need to create Tasks and configure them, so this section is useful for that too.

We’ll see a few options for how to run dartle.dart soon. But first, let’s look at the mechanics of a Dartle script.

Hello Dartle

The basic unit of a Dartle build is a Task.

To create a task is very easy. The following dartle.dart script shows the most basic, Hello World Dartle build:

import 'package:dartle/dartle.dart';

main(List<String> args) => run(args, tasks: {Task(hello)});

hello(_) => print('Hello Dartle');

Things to notice:

Task functions may also take a second argument for incremental compilation, as we’ll see below. For reference about Tasks, visit the Dartle Tasks page.

The hello function shown above uses a very lightweight syntax, allowed by Dart’s dynamic typing features (no return type or argument type declared) that can be used to keep scripts simple. But if you prefer, you can declare the types:

Future<void> hello(List<String> args) => print('Hello Dartle');

Dartle cannot distinguish between the two versions, so feel free to use whatever you prefer.

Running a build

There are a few ways to run a Dartle build.

Let’s start by using dart to run it directly, given that a Dartle script is also a normal Dart script.

We need to tell Dartle which task to run because there’s no default task defined yet, so to run the hello task we run dart dartle.dart hello:

$ dart dartle.dart hello
2023-05-06 20:11:56.548602 - dartle[main 25414] - INFO - Executing 1 task out of a total of 1 task: 1 task selected
2023-05-06 20:11:56.566190 - dartle[main 25414] - INFO - Running task 'hello'
Hello Dartle
✔ Build succeeded in 92 ms

This is the easiest way to do it, but it’s not very fast because of Dart’s startup time not being so great (Dartle’s own observed time was 92ms, but the actual process takes around 1 full second to run on my Macbook Air, which is annoying for a command you may want to run very often).

For that reason, Dartle can be installed as an utility that manages the compilation of Dartle scripts so that when you need to run a build, it starts up much faster (unless the script needs to be recompiled).

To activate dartle, run the following command:

$ dart pub global activate dartle

Now, you should be able to run the build as follows:

$ dartle hello
2023-05-06 20:26:50.972945 - dartle[main 25903] - INFO - Executing 1 task out of a total of 1 task: 1 task selected
2023-05-06 20:26:50.973047 - dartle[main 25903] - INFO - Running task 'hello'
Hello Dartle
✔ Build succeeded in 0 ms

If you get an error, make sure that ~/.pub-cache/bin is on your PATH.

This time, wall time was around 250ms on my machine. It’s not instant, but feels quite fast.

Using this approach, Dartle will automatically re-compile the script when needed, and if you add a default task to the build, you can just type dartle to run it, which is highly convenient.

Finally, to make it run really fast, you may want to compile it directly to a native binary as follows:

$ dart compile exe dartle.dart
Info: Compiling with sound null safety.
Generated: /Users/renato/programming/projects/dartle-website/hello/dartle.exe

Now, running ./dartle.exe hello runs in just 0.050 seconds, which really feels instant!

Users who find it really important to have this sort of speed gain may find it worthwhile to use this approach (but notice that for most builds, actual tasks may take a lot longer to run, so the benefit of an instant startup may not materialize in real gains).

Tools that use Dartle as a library will also benefit from this approach, normally.

A use case: compiling C code

In order to go through most Dartle features, the following sections will introduce each feature in the context of creating a C build tool, starting from a simple task that compiles a single file, and ending with a fully incremental build which can automatically determine dependencies between files, recompiling them only as necessary.

Task inputs/outputs

To really benefit from Dartle, you need to tell it what the inputs/outputs of your tasks are, otherwise it has no way of knowing when it can skip running a Task.

To declare the inputs/outputs of a Task, an implementation of RunCondition can be used.

To understand RunCondition, let’s look at a simple build example to compile a C program. As you may know, you can ask the C compiler to output an .o (object) file for each .c source file. The object files can be linked together into a final executable once they’ve been compiled.

This means that it is not necessary to re-compile everything when a single file, or only a few, have changed. With a proper build system, it should be possible to achieve that automatically.

To illustrate how Dartle can solve this problem, consider some basic C source code.


#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
   printf("Hello, World!\n");
   return 0;

And a Dartle script to compile just this file.


import 'dart:io';

import 'package:dartle/dartle.dart';

main(List<String> args) => run(args, tasks: {
          runCondition: RunOnChanges(
            inputs: file('hello.c'),
            outputs: file('hello.o'),

Future<void> compileHello(_) =>
    execProc(Process.start('gcc', const ['-c', 'hello.c']));

Notice the runCondition: RunOnChanges(...) declaration, which lets Dartle know the exact inputs/outputs of the task.

file(...) is a Dartle function that returns a FileCollection, which is a powerful tool to describe which files the build requires and produces (see File Collections for details).

The Task’s function is called compileHello, and it uses Dartle’s execProc(...) and Dart’s Process to execute gcc. execProc(...) can do a few tricks, like not printing the process output by default unless there’s an error, and checking the exit code of the Process.

For more helpful functions to run processes in Dartle, check out Executing Processes.

Running dartle compile to execute the above script should result in something like this:

$ dartle compile
2023-05-06 21:03:08.928448 - dartle[main 26492] - INFO - Detected changes in dartle.dart or pubspec, compiling Dartle executable.
2023-05-06 21:03:14.920246 - dartle[main 26492] - INFO - Re-compiled dartle.dart in 5.982 seconds
2023-05-06 21:03:16.182709 - dartle[main 26502] - INFO - Executing 1 task out of a total of 1 task: 1 task selected
2023-05-06 21:03:16.182831 - dartle[main 26502] - INFO - Running task 'compileHello'
✔ Build succeeded in 706 ms

Dartle will guess the task you want to run if you type only the first few letters of the task name, and the name is not ambiguous. Uppercase letters are treated as if starting new words, which can be handy to disambiguate names. For example, compE may match a task named compileExecutable, but not compileBinary.

If everything worked, there should now be a file called hello.o next to hello.c.

Running the build again should result in no Tasks actually running, as everything is up-to-date.

$ dartle compile
Everything is up-to-date!
✔ Build succeeded in 3 ms

If the object file is deleted, or the C file modified, Dartle will re-run the task.

It’s very important to define the Task’s inputs/outputs accurately, otherwise work that should be performed will be wrongly skipped, or the opposite, unnecessary work will be performed too often!

Task dependencies

Another very important concept in Dartle is that of dependencies between tasks. If a task depends on another, it will run AFTER the other task has been executed successfully. That also means that the inputs of a task are also inputs of any tasks that depend on it.

Continuing with the C example, let’s add another task to link the object files (there’s only one so far, but bear with me) into a single executable.

The task function may be defined as follows:

Future<void> link(_) =>
    execProc(Process.start('gcc', const ['-o', 'hello', 'hello.o']));

And the Task itself:

dependsOn: {'compileHello'},
runCondition: RunOnChanges(inputs: file('hello.o'), outputs: file('hello'

The link task will run whenever any of the tasks it depends on (compileHello in this case) runs, and of course, if any of its own inputs/outputs change.

The main function now looks like this:

main(List<String> args) => run(args, tasks: {
          runCondition: RunOnChanges(
            inputs: file('hello.c'),
            outputs: file('hello.o'))),
          dependsOn: {'compileHello'},
          runCondition: RunOnChanges(
              inputs: file('hello.o'),
              outputs: file('hello'))),

Running dartle link should produce a file called hello which can be executed immediately:

$ dartle link
2023-05-06 21:36:29.098988 - dartle[main 27775] - INFO - Executing 1 task out of a total of 2 tasks: 1 task selected, 1 dependency, 1 up-to-date
2023-05-06 21:36:29.099146 - dartle[main 27775] - INFO - Running task 'link'
✔ Build succeeded in 102 ms

$ ./hello
Hello, World!

Computing Task inputs/outputs

We could keep declaring source files and their corresponding object files manually, but as a project grows, that can become difficult to manage.

We can do something better… we may still want to list the C source files explicitly in the build file, so that it’s clear to everyone what is expected to be compiled (though as shown in the Introduction, it’s very easy to obtain every source file in a directory). But the output files should probably be computed from the sources to avoid mistakes.

This can be done quite elegantly in Dart:

import 'package:path/path.dart' as paths;

const sourceFiles = [

final compileOutputs = [
  for (final source in sourceFiles)
    if (paths.extension(source) == '.c') paths.setExtension(source, '.o')

It’s easy to update the rest of dartle.dart to use the above declarations now:

main(List<String> args) => run(args, tasks: {
          runCondition: RunOnChanges(
            inputs: files(sourceFiles),
            outputs: files(compileOutputs),
          dependsOn: {'compile'},
          runCondition: RunOnChanges(
            inputs: files(compileOutputs), 
            outputs: file('hello'))),

Future<void> compile(_) =>
    execProc(Process.start('gcc', ['-c', ...sourceFiles]));

Future<void> link(_) =>
    execProc(Process.start('gcc', ['-o', 'hello', ...compileOutputs]));

For completeness, here are the extra source files:


#include <stdio.h>
#include "greeting.h"
int main(void) {
   printf("%s, World!\n", greeting());
   return 0;


#ifndef GREETING_H
#define GREETING_H
char* greeting(void);


char* greeting(void) {
   return "Olá";

Finally, we can run the build again:

$ dartle link
2023-05-06 23:24:12.977305 - dartle[main 29683] - INFO - Detected changes in dartle.dart or pubspec, compiling Dartle executable.
2023-05-06 23:24:19.007166 - dartle[main 29683] - INFO - Re-compiled dartle.dart in 6.019 seconds
2023-05-06 23:24:22.702044 - dartle[main 29692] - INFO - Executing 2 tasks out of a total of 2 tasks: 1 task selected, 1 dependency
2023-05-06 23:24:22.702189 - dartle[main 29692] - INFO - Running task 'compile'
2023-05-06 23:24:22.868822 - dartle[main 29692] - INFO - Running task 'link'
✔ Build succeeded in 275 ms

$ ./hello
Olá, World!

It all works fine, but to make things better, the compile task should be incremental, i.e. only the modified files should be re-compiled. That’s what the next section will address.

Making a task incremental

An incremental build is one where after an initial build is completed, further builds re-use work done previously so that only work that is strictly necessary, given the changes, is performed.

Naively, one may think that, continuing with C compilation as an example, we would need to re-compile a C file only if it, or its corresponding object file, had been modified since the last compilation. But in many languages, including C, a file may include other files.

If a file A is included by another file B, and A changes, both A and B must be re-compiled. That’s because B may be using things from A that were removed or altered in an incompatible way. In other words: when a file is modified, it must be re-compiled along with all other files that depend on it.

Hence, to make a build incremental, one needs to know not just what has changed, but also which files depend on which files.

But how can one know which files depends on which other files? The answer depends on the programming language being used.

With the gcc (and clang) C compiler, it’s possible to find that out by using the -MMD flag to generate a .d file listing the dependencies of each compiled file.

For example, using the same files from the previous section:

$ gcc -MMD -c hello.c          

$ cat hello.d
hello.o: hello.c greeting.h

The compiler invocation above compiled an object file, hello.o, from the hello.c source, as well as a hello.d file which shows all the dependencies of hello.o (using Makefile syntax, as it was designed to work with Make). In this example, we can see that hello.o depends on hello.c and greeting.h.

I assume that .o files always depend first on the .c file it was compiled from, and that the next dependencies listed are the actual .c file’s dependencies. In this example, that would mean hello.c depends on greeting.h, which is correct.

A Dartle Task that needs to know which files have changed since the last compilation can take a second argument, as shown below:

Future<void> compile(List<String> args, [ChangeSet? changeSet]) { ... }

The first time the task runs, or after a clean build, the changeSet parameter will be null, otherwise it will contain inputChanges and outputChanges which can be inspected by the task to know what work it needs to perform.

This is all we need to know to write a fully incremental C (or any other language) build system!

Here’s what the compile Task function would look like, accounting for incremental compilation:

Future<int> compile(List<String> args, [ChangeSet? changeSet]) async {
  Iterable<String> sources = sourceFiles;
  if (changeSet != null) {
    if (changeSet.outputChanges.isEmpty) {
      final incrementalSources =
      (await computeFilesToCompile(changeSet).toSet())
          .where((e) => e.endsWith('.c'));
      if (incrementalSources.isNotEmpty) {
        sources = incrementalSources;
        logger.fine(() => 'Compiling incrementally: $sources');
    } else {
              () => 'Cannot perform incremental compilation as outputs changed');
  return await execProc(Process.start(
      'gcc', ['-MMD', '-c', ...sources.where((p) => p.endsWith('.c'))]));

This example performs a full compilation if there’s any output changes because handling that correctly can be difficult. Also, the main purpose of an incremental task is to handle the much more common case where only inputs are changed.

The computeFilesToCompile function is where the bulk of the logic is implemented:

Stream<String> computeFilesToCompile(ChangeSet changeSet) async* {
  // collect the deleted files to avoid trying to re-compile any
  final deletedFiles = changeSet.inputChanges
      .where((f) => f.kind == ChangeKind.deleted)
      .map((f) => f.entity.path)

  final dependencyTree = await _readDependencyTree(
      compileOutputs.where((p) => p.endsWith('.d')), deletedFiles);

  for (final change in changeSet.inputChanges) {
    switch (change.kind) {
      case ChangeKind.modified || ChangeKind.added:
        yield change.entity.path;
        for (final dep in _dependents(change.entity.path, dependencyTree)) {
          yield dep;
      case ChangeKind.deleted:
        // must delete the output file from all deleted sources
        await ignoreExceptions(() async =>
            await File(paths.setExtension(change.entity.path, '.o')).delete());

A few helper functions are omitted from the code above for brevity. They’re not particularly complex, but aren’t very relevant to this section. For the curious, you can find my full implementation here.

It’s become a fairly sophisticated task function now!

And for this very reason, it would be nice to keep “implementation details” like this out of the build file, as will be shown in the next section.

Extracting complex logic into dartle-src/

Complex tasks should not be written directly in the build script, as they can make it hard to understand what the build is supposed to do by including too many details.

The simplest way to extract functionality out of the build script is to create separate Dart files in the dartle-src/ directory.

The reason for doing that, rather than, say, just writing Dart files on the same directory as the dartle.dart file, is that Dartle knows to consider any files inside dartle-src/ as input files for the script re-compilation task.

As a very basic example, let’s move the link task function implementation from the previous sections into a new file:


import 'package:dartle/dartle.dart';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as paths;

Future<void> link(_) => execProc(Process.start('gcc',
    ['-o', 'hello', ...compileOutputs.where((f) => paths.extension(f) == '.o')]));

For this to compile, it needs access to compileOutputs, which was in the dartle.dart script.

This is a common problem when splitting up build files. The easy solution is to create a file for configuration that can be imported by any other files.


import 'package:path/path.dart' as paths;

const sourceFiles = {

final compileOutputs = [
  for (final source in sourceFiles)
    if (paths.extension(source) == '.c') ...[
      paths.setExtension(source, '.o'),
      paths.setExtension(source, '.d'),

Now, link.dart can import config.dart:

import 'package:dartle/dartle.dart';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as paths;

import 'config.dart';

Future<void> link(_) => execProc(Process.start('gcc',
    ['-o', 'hello', ...compileOutputs.where((f) => paths.extension(f) == '.o')]));

The compile task function (along with its helper functions) can also be moved into its own file, dartle-src/compile.dart

After doing that, this is what the example build script would look like:

import 'package:dartle/dartle.dart';

import 'dartle-src/compile.dart';
import 'dartle-src/config.dart';
import 'dartle-src/link.dart';

main(List<String> args) => run(args, tasks: {
          runCondition: RunOnChanges(
            inputs: files(sourceFiles),
            outputs: files(compileOutputs),
          dependsOn: {'compile'},
          runCondition: RunOnChanges(
              inputs: files(compileOutputs), 
              outputs: file('hello'))),

Very simple, but powerful!

Clean builds

Even though Dartle was designed to avoid the need for running clean builds, it’s still possible there are mistakes that can prevent an incremental build from working. You may also want to test that things are still working when run from a clean environment.

For this reason, it’s advisable to add a clean task to the build, which can be done with createCleanTask, which takes a set of Tasks whose output it should clean. In other words, the clean task, when run, deletes the outputs of the Tasks it was provided.

To do that, use the createCleanTask function:

createCleanTask(tasks: [compileTask, linkTask])

For more useful functions, see also Helper Functions.

And run it with:

$ dartle clean
2023-05-07 20:14:27.609901 - dartle[main 36395] - INFO - Executing 1 task out of a total of 3 tasks: 1 task selected
2023-05-07 20:14:27.610095 - dartle[main 36395] - INFO - Running task 'clean'
✔ Build succeeded in 3 ms

Default Tasks

A very convenient thing to add to a Dartle build is a default task. That makes it just a tiny bit easier to run the most common build tasks, as instead of having to specify the task(s) that need to be run, you can type dartle and be done with it!

Here’s what the final build script for the Example C project will look like with this addition:

import 'package:dartle/dartle.dart';

import 'dartle-src/compile.dart';
import 'dartle-src/config.dart';
import 'dartle-src/link.dart';

final compileTask = Task(compile,
    runCondition: RunOnChanges(
      inputs: files(sourceFiles),
      outputs: files(compileOutputs),

final linkTask = Task(link,
    dependsOn: {'compile'}, runCondition: RunOnChanges(inputs: files(compileOutputs),
        outputs: file('hello')));

main(List<String> args) => run(args, tasks: {
      createCleanTask(tasks: [compileTask, linkTask]),
    }, defaultTasks: {

Profiling a build

Finally, make sure you understand your build performance by running the build with the -l profile option:

$ dartle -l profile
2023-05-07 20:20:04.324333 - dartle[main 36682] - INFO - Detected changes in dartle.dart or pubspec, compiling Dartle executable.
2023-05-07 20:20:09.615994 - dartle[main 36682] - PROFILE - Task '_compileDartleFile' completed successfully in 5.281 seconds
2023-05-07 20:20:09.835265 - dartle[main 36682] - PROFILE - Post-run action of task '_compileDartleFile' completed successfully in 212 ms
2023-05-07 20:20:09.835404 - dartle[main 36682] - INFO - Re-compiled dartle.dart in 5.502 seconds
2023-05-07 20:20:10.047037 - dartle[main 36691] - PROFILE - Checked task 'compile' runCondition in 0 ms
2023-05-07 20:20:10.047161 - dartle[main 36691] - INFO - Executing 2 tasks out of a total of 3 tasks: 1 task (default), 1 dependency
2023-05-07 20:20:10.048725 - dartle[main 36691] - PROFILE - Collected 3 input and 0 output change(s) for 'compile' in 1 ms
2023-05-07 20:20:10.048763 - dartle[main 36691] - INFO - Running task 'compile'
2023-05-07 20:20:10.048878 - dartle-c[main 36691] - WARN - Missing .d file: hello.d
2023-05-07 20:20:10.593449 - dartle[main 36691] - PROFILE - Task 'compile' completed successfully in 544 ms
2023-05-07 20:20:10.593607 - dartle[main 36691] - INFO - Running task 'link'
2023-05-07 20:20:10.680562 - dartle[main 36691] - PROFILE - Task 'link' completed successfully in 86 ms
2023-05-07 20:20:10.685960 - dartle[main 36691] - PROFILE - Post-run action of task 'compile' completed successfully in 5 ms
2023-05-07 20:20:10.688199 - dartle[main 36691] - PROFILE - Post-run action of task 'link' completed successfully in 2 ms
2023-05-07 20:20:10.688283 - dartle[main 36691] - PROFILE - Garbage-collected cache in 0 ms
✔ Build succeeded in 641 ms

With this, we come to the end of the Dartle Overview armed with a fully incremental C build system!

While you could use this to write your own build system, if you actually want a C build system, I turned the examples in this page into the Dartle_C Dartle extension.

If you like Dartle and want to learn more, try some of these pages next: