Dartle Documentation

File Collections

Dartle comes with a powerful FileCollection type. It makes it easy to work with files and directories.

File collections are mostly used with RunOnChanges, which can be used as a runCondition of a Task.


To create a FileCollection containing a single file:

final afile = file('myfile.txt');

Multiple files:

final someFiles = files({'myfile.txt', 'another/file.md'});


To create a FileCollection containing a single directory, with everything within it except for hidden files (whose names start with .):

final adir = dir('mydir');

Many options are available to filter only certain files:

final aCollection = dir('mydir', fileExtensions: {'.dart', '.rs'}, 
    exclusions: {'do-not-include.txt'},
    recurse: false,
    includeHidden: true,
    allowAbsolutePaths: true); // not recommended, makes a build non-deterministic

A dirs function is also available for cases where more than one root directory exists which takes the same options as dir.

Both files and directories

For selecting both files and directories, use entities:

final myCollection = entities( // declare both files and directories
  const ['dartle.dart'], // files
  [DirectoryEntry(path: 'source', fileExtensions: const {'.dart', '.c'})]); // dirs

Resolving File Collections

FileCollection has a few methods for resolving the current state of the file system.

Notice that there’s also includedEntities(), which does not resolve the collection, but returns the file system entities included explicitly in the collection.

To delete everything in a FileCollection, use deleteAll.

To check if a certain file or directory belongs to a FileCollection, use includesFile and includesDirectory, respectively.

Combining FileCollections

FileCollection was designed to be easily combinable.

The following methods are provided for combining two collections:

The + operator is implemented by delegating to union.