RawHTTP makes it easy to replace the body of a HTTP message, changing the relevant headers as appropriate.
Set body from String
import rawhttp.core.*;
import rawhttp.core.body.*;
RawHttp http = new RawHttp();
RawHttpRequest request = http.parseRequest(
"POST http://example.com/hello");
RawHttpRequest requestWithBody = request.withBody(
new StringBody("Hello RawHTTP", "text/plain"));
POST /hello HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 13
Hello RawHTTP
Set body from File
import rawhttp.core.*;
import rawhttp.core.body.*;
RawHttp http = new RawHttp();
RawHttpRequest request = http.parseRequest(
"POST http://example.com/hello");
RawHttpRequest requestWithBody = request.withBody(
new FileBody(new File("hello.request"), "text/plain"));
Set body from byte array
import rawhttp.core.*;
import rawhttp.core.body.*;
byte[] bytes = "Hello RawHTTP".getBytes();
RawHttp http = new RawHttp();
RawHttpRequest request = http.parseRequest(
"POST http://example.com/hello");
RawHttpRequest requestWithBody = request.withBody(
new BytesBody(bytes, "text/plain"));
Set body from InputStream (chunked)
import rawhttp.core.*;
import rawhttp.core.body.*;
InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(
"Hello RawHTTTP".getBytes());
int chunkSize = 4;
RawHttp http = new RawHttp();
RawHttpRequest request = http.parseRequest(
"POST http://example.com/hello");
RawHttpRequest requestWithBody = request.withBody(
new ChunkedBody(stream, "text/plain", chunkSize));
The InputStream
is read lazily as the body of the HTTP message is consumed by a reader.
The header Transfer-Encoding: chunked
is set, and the body is encoded accordingly.