Using a HTTP server

Even though you can write a simple HTTP server using only a ServerSocket and RawHttp to parse requests and responses, RawHTTP also offers a simple server implementation that makes things easier:

import rawhttp.core.*;
import rawhttp.core.server.*;

RawHttpServer server = new TcpRawHttpServer(8086);
RawHttp http = new RawHttp();

server.start(request -> {
    RawHttpResponse<?> response = http.parseResponse(...);
    return Optional.of(response);

Stop the server once you don’t need it anymore:


Configuring a HTTP server

As with the HTTP client, to configure a HTTP server, pass the options into the constructor.

An example implementation of TcpRawHttpServer.TcpRawHttpServerOptions:

class ExampleTcpRawHttpServerOptions implements TcpRawHttpServer.TcpRawHttpServerOptions {

    public ServerSocket getServerSocket() throws IOException {
        return new ServerSocket(8080);

    public RawHttp getRawHttp() {
        return new RawHttp();

    public ExecutorService createExecutorService() {
        return Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

    public Optional<EagerHttpResponse<Void>> serverErrorResponse(RawHttpRequest request) {
        return Optional.empty(); // use the default 500 error response

    public Optional<EagerHttpResponse<Void>> notFoundResponse(RawHttpRequest request) {
        return Optional.empty(); // use the default 404 error response

    public RawHttpResponse<Void> onResponse(RawHttpRequest request, RawHttpResponse<Void> response) {
        // TODO this is a good place to log the request and response
        // or add standard HTTP response headers, like "Server" and "Date"
        return response;

    public void close() throws IOException {

The default options used by the server creates an unlimited, cached Thread pool to serve requests and automatically inserts a Server and Date headers to all responses by implementing the autoHeadersSupplier() method. If you provide your own options, this behaviour is overridden.

Using a TLS certificate

By implementing TcpRawHttpServerOptions, you can provide SSLSockets using whatever Socket factory you have hanging around… but to make it easier, RawHTTP provides the helper class rawhttp.core.server.TlsConfiguration.

For example, to configure your server to use TLS with a certain keystore:

var sslContext = TlsConfiguration.createSSLContext(KEYSTORE, KEYSTORE_PASS);

var server = new TcpRawHttpServer(TlsConfiguration.serverOptions(sslContext, PORT))