Using a HTTP client

To make it easier to send HTTP requests, you can use a TcpRawHttpClient:

import rawhttp.core.*;
import rawhttp.core.client.*;

TcpRawHttpClient client = new TcpRawHttpClient();
RawHttp http = new RawHttp();
RawHttpRequest request = http.parseRequest("...");
RawHttpResponse<?> response = client.send(request);

The client keeps connections alive if possible, so after you’re done with it, close it:


Configuring a HTTP client

To configure a HTTP client, use the constructor that takes an instance of TcpRawHttpClient.TcpRawHttpClientOptions:

import rawhttp.core.client.*;

TcpRawHttpClient client = new TcpRawHttpClient(new TcpRawHttpClient.TcpRawHttpClientOptions() {
    public Socket getSocket(URI uri) {
        // TODO implement creation of a Socket based on the URI
        return null;

    public RawHttpResponse<Void> onResponse(Socket socket, URI uri, RawHttpResponse<Void> httpResponse) throws IOException {
        // TODO return a modified HTTP response
        return httpResponse;

    public void close() throws IOException {
        // TODO the client was closed, perform cleanup

Example implementation of TcpRawHttpClientOptions which only allows HTTPS connections and always forces HTTP responses to be consumed fully, including its body, by calling response.eagerly():

class SafeHttpClientOptions implements TcpRawHttpClient.TcpRawHttpClientOptions {
    public Socket getSocket(URI uri) {
        String host = uri.getHost();
        int port = uri.getPort();
        if (port < 1) {
            port = 443;
        try {
            // only allow HTTPS connections!
            return SSLSocketFactory.getDefault().createSocket(host, port);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public RawHttpResponse<Void> onResponse(Socket socket, URI uri, RawHttpResponse<Void> httpResponse) throws IOException {
        return httpResponse.eagerly();

    public void close() throws IOException {
        // TODO the client was closed, perform cleanup

To configure a HTTP Client to support TLS connections using a specific keystore/truststore, you can use the rawhttp.core.server.TlsConfiguration class as follows:

var sslContext = TlsConfiguration.createSSLContext(
    keystoreURL, KEYSTORE_PASS,
    truststoreURL, TRUSTSTORE_PASS);

var safeHttpClient = new TcpRawHttpClient(TlsConfiguration.clientOptions(sslContext));

Conversely, you can also create a HTTP client that is unsafe to use, but handy for quickly testing something, by ignoring TLS certificates:

var unsafeClient = new TcpRawHttpClient(new TlsCertificateIgnorer.UnsafeHttpClientOptions());

Do not blame me if this is used in production and you get hacked!